Springs Writers provides a FREE conference-quality workshop the first Monday of each month (except December, July & August) from 6:00–7:45 pm, Woodmen/Academy Hobby Lobby Classroom Room [against back wall behind "Employee Only" double doors], 6950 North Academy, Colorado Springs, 80918

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

FREE Writing Workshop April 12, 2010: Capture Your Reader from Start to Finish

Capture Your Reader from Start to Finish

“A reader is not supposed to be aware that someone's written the story. He's supposed to be completely immersed, submerged in the environment.”—Jack Vance

When: Monday, April 12, 2010, 6:30 PM- 8 PM
Where: Stone Chapel, 280 East Woodmen Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Description: How often do you start to read a blog and stop because it’s too long or you can't stay focused? Internet reading differs from relaxing in your recliner to enjoy a good novel. Online readers either want a mega dose of information or inspiration in bite-sized morsels. Whether you're a stay-at-home mom, a ministry worker, or a writing professional, the fast-paced, Internet mentality makes writing online tough. It doesn't matter if you write an article or chapter for publication or a blog post, Tiffany talks about how to:
  • grab your readers’ attention from the start and keep it until the last sentence
  • make every word count
  • write for maximum effectiveness to touch your readers' hearts
  • connect with others to build community
Tiffany also reveals how your writing/blogging voice inspires your tribe, developing a strong foundation for your writing, speaking, ministry, or marketing platform.
Speaker: Tiffany Stuart's powerful insights and writing voice speaks life and truth into the lives of other fellow strugglers. After completing the Christian Writers Guild Apprenticeship Course, Tiffany won Honorable Mention in the inspiration category of the Writers Digest 75th Annual Writing Contest. Some of her publishing credits include: Focus on the Family's Clubhouse Jr. Magazine, The Upper Room, CBN.com, www.troubledwith.com, www.ungrind.org, www.heartlink.org, and parenting and marriage articles for Focus on the Family. Visit Tiffany's blog.

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