Springs Writers provides a FREE conference-quality workshop the first Monday of each month (except December, July & August) from 6:00–7:45 pm, Woodmen/Academy Hobby Lobby Classroom Room [against back wall behind "Employee Only" double doors], 6950 North Academy, Colorado Springs, 80918

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Facing Your Writing Fears and Foes

When: Monday, March 8, 2010, 6 p.m.- 8.p.m.
Where: Stone Chapel, 280 East Woodmen Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Description: What are your fears about writing, the obvious and the hidden? What are your foes--the things and people that deter your progress as a writer? Judith Couchman helps you
  • Determine the fears and foes that keep you from writing.
  • Understand you're not alone with these fears, and you can overcome them.
  • Discover practical ways to overcome your writing roadblocks.
After a short presentation, you will spend time in small groups exploring your inner and outer blocks to writing. Then discuss ways to overcome them.
Speaker: Judith Couchman is the writer or compiler of over 40 faith-based books. She founded and taught the Write the Vision retreats for women writers, and has taught writers and editors in Eastern European countries. Her most recent book is The Mystery of the Cross (IVP). Judith also teaches art history courses as a part-time instructor for the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Judith holds a B.S. in education (English and journalism), an M.A. in journalism, and an M.A. in art history. She lives in Colorado. Visit Judith's blog and website.

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